Is Palliative Care Available for Mesothelioma Patients?

Explained By A Mesothelioma Attorney

Image of a doctor viewing an xray

Palliative care is care given to relieve signs of mesothelioma and symptoms of asbestos exposure, but is not intended to serve as any means of cure. It is generally continued after a case has reached a terminal point.

Palliative surgery refers to surgery that is done for the alleviation of some pain or discomfort at an advanced degree of the cancer. The mesothelioma would have spread at this point to an irreversible state and the comfort of the patient during this difficult time is of primary importance.

At this point, virtually any chance of cure is considered out the question and a pleurectomy (removal of the lung) may be considered a viable option.

An aid in breathing for the patient can be achieved in some cases by removing fluid from the lungs. Such a procedure, known as thoracentesis, is done through the insertion of a needle into the saturated area and removing excess liquid that has accumulated in the lungs. This can ease pain and restore greater breathing ability for the patient.

As an active mesothelioma law firm, we feel that it is our responsibility to keep on top of the most advanced treatment options so that our clients can receive the best possible care. It is difficult not to be touched by each of our client’s cases and our mesothelioma attorneys become more than just legal counsel. If you would like to tell us about new treatment options that we can suggest to other clients, please contact our asbestos lawyers today.